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Monday, April 22, 2013

Fireflight, Flevo Festival, 8-15-2008

Flevo Festival
01 The Hunger
02 Serenity
03 Stand Up
04 So Help Me God
05 Brand New Day
06 1 Corinthians 13
07 Forever
08 Liar
09 You Gave Me a Promise
10 You Decide
11 Unbreakable

Total Time 40:36


  1. I don't really have a comment, I just wanted to send greetings, and say how much I miss the old blog, and the exceptional quality of the music. I imagine this site brings you less vitriole and hope your well and happy, although there's nothing for me here I wanted to say Hi. Bob-bwild.

  2. Just discovered your blog - I even like the "rants"! Would love to see some live Larry Howard or the Seventy Sevens.
