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Monday, February 4, 2013

Jesus Comix

My daughter loves to draw, just like I did when I was her age.  She likes the style of Japanese comix and illustrations.  So when I found Manga style comix with Christian content I jumped at it.

I was pleased to be able to show her that using her talent could be directed in a direction that glorifies Jesus and still be cool. So here is a sample of a comix called "Manga Messiah".  This is a sample that they have up at their web site.

 I like how at the bottom of each page they tell you where in the bible the passage can be found. 
In some cases it may take some liberties on translation, but at least it is telling the story and might just be the thing that opens up interest to Jesus to a different age group. 

You can buy them at this web site.  And they also have one about Apostle Paul  called Manga Metamorphosis.  There are also Old Testament subjects including one called Manga Mutiny, that appears to be the Genesis account up to Abraham and maybe even to Israelite captivity in Egypt, and another called Manga Melech that appears to be about the Israelites journey from Egypt to the promised land and then David becoming king of Israel.  Then there is even one about Prophets and Kings called Manga Messengers. 



If you want to purchase these Bible based comix here is the web site
While these might be a little liberal in interpretation or take some liberties, however it might be just the thing to help point a kid toward Jesus and take their focus off of the Transformers, Batman, Spiderman, GI Joe, Pokemon, Digimon, or even Sponge Bob.

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