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Friday, January 18, 2013

Phil Keaggy, acoustic shows 2007 and 2008

Here are two Phil Keaggy shows from 2007 and 2008. Both are acoustic performances and both have very nice sound quality. Of course since it's Phil Keaggy the guitar playing is great.
Phil Keaggy
Sept. 21, 2007
Making A Difference Banquet
Cleveland, OH
1 Salvation Army Band 06:16
2 What A Day 05:45  
3 Let Everything Else Go 04:53  
4 Nothing But the Blood 03:14  
5 True Believers 07:13
Phil Keaggy
April 21, 2008
Wheaton College
Wheaton, IL
1 Just the Same 04:01  
2 Thank You For Today 02:41  
3 Shades of Green 08:40  
4 Chalice 05:50  
5 Salvation Army Band 04:27  
6 True Believers 05:45


  1. Thanks Bro for posting some of cuzzin Petie's tunage! Got any more? Glad to see you back up and running.

  2. I have to hold my jaw when I see Phil Keaggy play or it hits the floor . Thanks for posting this !
